Picture of SEM Sigma 500
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If you want to use only SEM make sure the Beam Blanker is deactivated. Shut down EDX and EBL computers if they are running.

If you want to use EDX, set Ext Scan Select = Ext 1 and deactivate Beam Blanker in Use option. If EBL computer is running then shut it down. It will prevent problems with data communicaton between EDX and SEM.

EBL mounted on the SEM cannot be used!

For EBL set Ext Scan Select = Ext 0 and activate Beam Blanker in Use option. If EDX computer is running then shut it down. It will prevent problem with data communicaton between EBL and SEM..


In case of troubles refer to the mail sent by Slawomir. Note that you are not allowed to shut down the SEM microscope (by pressing red button) by yourself.



Tool name:
SEM Sigma 500
Cleanroom_SEM room
Sigma 500


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