Picture of Special Photonics Lab
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Inner room of the photonics lab. All the optical components are stored here. In the main optical table the microspectrophotometer setup, tunable light source, spectrophotometers, laser, halogen light source and integrating sphere are available. 

It needs training and license. It is bookable when working with any instrument inside. Access only for licensed user, the lab has a door code to access.

Common rules

  • When using the laser the red light on the entrance must be turned on. Always wear the appropriate safety glasses (located inside the lab, check the wavelength!) when the laser is on, before entering. If the red light is on do not enter, unless you receive permission from the laser user. 
  • Do not look directly into the light sources (including fibers). 
  • Always wear gloves when entering the lab. Do not touch lenses with bare hands.
  • Clean the lenses with the provided lens cleaning tissue. Other tissues might damage and scratch the lenses.
  • Do not take out any component from the lab. Always ask for permission if you need to do so for a limited time.
  • Do not take out or change position of any optical setup that is currently mounted on the optical table. This also includes the optical setup for the tunable light source and integrating sphere.
  • Place back on its position (on the shelves or cabinets) any optical component after use. Be sure to place back the components in their storage box and put back the caps for the fibers. Close with the caps the SMA connectors after use to avoid dust contamination.
  • Do not leave any component outside their storage shelf or your chemicals and samples outside the personal storage cabinets. Keep the lab tidy.
  • Never bend fibers too much (always avoid angles too close to 90 deg), this might cause permanent damage.
  • Always close light sources, microscope, and the spectrophotometers after use. 
Tool name:
Special Photonics Lab
Photonics_Special Photonics Lab
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