Picture of 3D- printer Ultimaker S3
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Tool name:
3D- printer Ultimaker S3
3D-print lab
Sample prep

Please note:

The nozzles might be hot, do never touch them unless you are sure that they are cool.

If you need to use glue, use as little as possible and clean it up after you are done.

Manual adjustment of the printing stage level should not be needed. Please do not touch the adjustment knobs.

Do not perform any calibrations of the machine without first notifying and getting approval for the tool responsible.

Type AA print cores are for normal materials, Type BB for PVA, and Type CC (not available) is for composite materials. The default setup is AA and BB.

Material 2 is loaded inside of material 1. Observed that the orientation is also different (clockwise for material 2, anti-clockwise for material 1).

Materials are sensitive to humidity. For consistent results they should be dried regularily and stored in a sealed plastic bag with desiccant when not in use. Use the hot plate, covered in aluminium foil, at 50-60°C for 2 h to dry PVA.


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