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The TA Instruments Discovery DSC250 is a Differential Scanning Calorimeter with an RCS90 Refrigerated Cooling System. Use software "TA Advantage" for DSC.

Differential scanning calorimetry can be used to measure a number of characteristic properties of a sample. Using this technique it is possible to observe fusion and crystallization events as well as glass transition temperatures Tg. DSC can also be used to study oxidation, as well as other chemical reactions.

Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) is a thermal analysis technique in which the heat flow into or out of a sample is measured as a function of temperature or time, while the sample is exposed to a controlled temperature program.

DSC analysis measures the heat flow produced in a sample when it is heated, cooled, or held isothermally at constant temperature. Melting points, crystallization behavior and chemical reactions are just some of the many properties and processes that can be measured by DSC.

DSC devices are built according to two basic measuring principles: the heat-flux principle and the power-compensated DSC principle. With the Heat-Flux DSC, the changes in the heat flow are calculated by integrating the ΔTref curve.

Tool name:
ChL_Analysis lab_labroom 3 (G375)
Thermal processes
TA Instruments-Waters


DSC quick guide



choosing pan








quick guide

Check that nitrogen supply is turned on

Start computer and log in.

Start the control program by pressing the TRIOS icon


Turn on chiller and wait until stable.


Choose a type of pan and a corresponding lid.

Choose the corresponding press tool insert.


Fill the preferred pan with your sample. Note the weight and seal.



If suspected gas formation in sample make a tiny pinhole on top of sample pan.


Place the pan on the inner side of the sample holder


Enter your sample ( name weight, type of pan)  and choose a methode from the list.


Check the expected run time.


Start the analys.



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