The Laboratory of Organic Electronics at LiU in collaboration with RISE

The LOE Labs are composed of six different lab environments that all our researchers have access to and share with each other. We have a Cleanroom, BioLab, Chemistry Lab, Surface Physics Lab, Photonics Lab and Printed Electronics Lab. To get access to our lab facilities, please complete the following steps:

  1. Complete an introduction with one of our lab managers
  2. After the introduction you can apply for access to LIMS
  3. After getting access to LIMS, you can apply for licenses to use tools
  4. Complete training by the tool responsible person to get the license
  5. Start booking equipment 


If you have any questions please contact any of our managers:
Slawomir Braun ( - LOE Technical manager, Lab manager (Cleanroom, Surface Physics Lab, Photonic Lab)
Jaywant Phopase ( -  Lab manager;   (Chemistry Lab - Pronova)
Chiara Musumeci ( - Lab manager (Bio lab)
Iwona Bernacka Wojcik ( -  Lab manager (Plant Lab)