This is a contact mask aligner with bonding option (which is not installed). It can do lots of things and expose your wafers too.
It has several "modes" of operation: "proximity", "soft contact", "hard contact", "low vacuum"- and "vacuum"- contact and nitrogen flood.
Alignment can be done both from top (a.k.a. TSA, top-side alignment) and bottom (a.k.a. BSA, bottom-side alignment) of the substrate by moving the stage with the substrate, while the mask is fixed and on the top-side. For TSA, the microscope stage can move ±25 mm in x, and +25/-75 mm in y (less toward the inside of the machine). Further, the objective pieces can move in a range of 48 mm in x, to have separation of min 42 mm – 138 mm.
The exposure is calibrated for 365 nm (I-line, CH1) and 405 nm (H-line, CH2) and filtered with a cold light mirror (filtering out longer wavelengths). The lamp is a 350 W Hg lamp. The intensity at 405 nm (with the absorption spectrum of the measurement probe from Suss) is typically 20 mW/cm2, and at 365 nm typically 10 mW/cm2. A band pass filter is available for CH1 (365 nm) to limit the exposure wavelength, useful for example SU8. When the filter is installed, only CH1 can be used, and the exposure light goes from blue to green.
The resolution shold be better than 1 µm in hard contact mode on a smooth and uniform substrate. There are chucks for 4" and 6" wafers and mask-holders for 5" and 7" glass. If mask + substrate is thicker than 6 mm, proximity mode (at least) will not work.
Acreo inventory #231249